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发布日期:2022-03-11 作者:必赢唯一官方网站 来源: 必赢唯一官方网站 点击:
姓  名: 徐轶肖  别:
 历: 博士研究生  称: 研究员
电子邮箱: xuyixiao_77@163.com 办公电话: 13768271418
通讯地址: 广西南宁市明秀东路175



获奖及荣誉:获联合国科教文组织和政府间海洋委员会授予的Certificate of Proficiency in Identification of Harmful Marine Microalgae”,入选2017年中共中央组织部、教育部、科学技术部、中国科学院的“西部之光”学者计划,获2015-2020年南宁师范大学优秀教师、2019年度南宁师范大学地学部科研突出贡献奖、2015年度南宁师范大学科研工作先进个人。任教育部学位与研究生教育学科评估专家、国家基金委项目函评专家、广西科技厅和海南科技厅项目评审专家、国际赤潮学会和中国海洋湖沼学会会员、广西中国民主同盟生态环境委员会委员。


1. Wei Xie, Qijia Zhou*, Yixiao Xu, Man Zhang, Shengping Zhong, Lili Lu, Hengtong Qiu. Transcriptome analysis reveals potential key immune genes of Hong Kong oyster (Crassostrea hongkongensis) against Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsi.2022.02.001.

2. Yixiao Xu, Xilin He, Wai Hin Lee, Leo Lai Chan, Douding Lu, Pengbin Wang, Xiaoping Tao, Huiling Li, Kefu Yu*. Ciguatoxin-producing dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus in the Beibu Gulf: First report of toxic Gambierdiscus in Chinese waters. Toxins, 2021, 13(9), 643.

3. Justin D. Liefer, Mindy L. Richlen, Tyler B. Smith, Jennifer L. DeBose, Yixiao Xu, Donald M. Anderson, and Alison Robertson*. Asynchrony of Gambierdiscus spp. abundance and toxicity in the U.S. Virgin Islands: Implications for monitoring and management of ciguatera. Toxins, 2021, 13(6), 413.

4. Yixiao Xu*, Xilin He, Huiling Li, Teng Zhang, Fu Lei, Haifeng Gu, Donald M. Anderson. Molecular identification and toxin analysis of Alexandrium spp. in Beibu Gulf: First report of toxic A. tamiyavanichii in Chinese coastal waters. Toxins, 2021, 13(2), 161.

5. Yixiao Xu, Teng Zhang, Jin Zhou*. Historical occurrence of algal blooms in the northern Beibu Gulf of China and implications for future trends. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 451. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00451.

6. Yihua Lyu, Yuexia Zhou, Yi Li, Jin Zhou*, Yixiao Xu**. Optimized culturing conditions for an algicidal bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. SP48 on harmful algal blooms caused by Alexandrium tamarense. MicrobiologyOpen, 2019, e803. doi: 10.1002/mbo3.803.

7. Daniela Catania, Mindy Richlen*, Yim Ling Mak, Steve L. Morton, Elizabeth H. Laban, Yixiao Xu, Donald M. Anderson, Leo Lai Chan, Michael L Berumen. The prevalence of benthic dinoflagellates associated with ciguatera fish poisoning in the central Red Sea. Harmful Algae, 2017, 68: 206-216.

8. Yihua Lyu, Mindy L. Richlen*, Taylor R. Sehein, Mireille Chinain, Masao Adachi, Tomohiro Nishimura, Yixiao Xu, Michael L. Parsons, Tyler B. Smith, Tianling Zheng, Donald M. Anderson. LSU rDNA based RFLP assays for the routine identification of Gambierdiscus species. Harmful Algae, 2017, 66: 20-28.

9. Yixiao Xu*, Mindy L. Richlen, Justin D. Liefer, Alison Robertson, Dave Kulis, Tyler B. Smith, Michael L. Parsons, Donald M. Anderson. Influence of environmental variables on Gambierdiscus spp. (Dinophyceae) growth and distribution. PloS ONE, 2016, 11(4): e0153197. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0153197.

10. Peipei Qu, Yixiao Xu, Jingjing Yang, Han Gao, Mengmeng Tong*, 2015. Application of solid phase adsorption toxin tracking (SPATT) in the East China Sea. A. Lincoln MacKenzie [Ed]. Marine and Freshwater Harmful Algae. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Wellington, New Zealand 27th-31st October 2014. Cawthron Institute, Nelson, New Zealand and International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA): 206-209.

11. Han Gao, Yixiao Xu, Peipei Qu, Jingjing Yang, Mengmeng Tong*, 2015. Role of organic nutrients originated from Mesodinium rubrum and Teleaulax amphioxeia cultures in the growth and toxin production of Dinophysis acuminata. A. Lincoln MacKenzie [Ed]. Marine and Freshwater Harmful Algae. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Wellington, New Zealand 27th-31st October 2014. Cawthron Institute, Nelson, New Zealand and International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA): 136-139.

12. Yixiao Xu, Mindy L. Richlen*, Steve L. Morton, Yim Ling Mak, Leo Lai Chan, Aranteiti Tekiau, Donald M. Anderson. Distribution, abundance and diversity of Gambierdiscus spp. from a ciguatera-endemic area in Marakei, Republic of Kiribati. Harmful Algae, 2014, 34: 56-68.

13. Tao Jiang, Yixiao Xu, Yang Li, Yuzao Qi, Tianjiu Jiang*, Feng Wu, Fan Zhang. Dinophysis caudata generated lipophilic shellfish toxins in bivalves from the Nanji Islands, East China Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2014, 32(1): 1-10. (共第一作者)

14. Tao Jiang, Yixiao Xu, Yang Li, Tianjiu Jiang*, Feng Wu, Fan Zhang. Seasonal dynamics of Alexandrium tamarense and occurrence of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in bivalves in Nanji Islands, East China Sea. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2014, 65: 350-358. (共第一作者)

15. 徐轶肖,陶晓娉,刘成辉,韦光领,何喜林,姚秋翠,陈武荣,李斌*. 广西北海半岛夏季营养盐及水质状况分析,海洋科学, 2021, 45(6): 107-117.

16. 徐轶肖*,何喜林,张腾,刘仁沿,赵志娟. 北部湾卡盾藻 (Chattonella spp.)种类鉴定, 海洋环境科学, 2021, 40(3): 352-360.

17. 徐轶肖,韦光领,王玉,贾樱,高寒,张腾,佟蒙蒙*. 钦州湾海水和香港牡蛎体内脂溶性贝类毒素污染特征,海洋与湖沼, 202152(1): 144-152.

18. 徐轶肖*,何喜林,张腾,蓝文陆. 北部湾棕囊藻藻华原因种分析,热带海洋学报, 2020, 39(6): 122-130.

19. 徐轶肖*,何喜林,张腾,赵志娟,韦光领. 北部湾涠洲岛红色赤潮藻的分子鉴定,海洋科学, 2020, 44(9): 63-73.

20. 张腾,徐轶肖*. 北部湾涠洲岛浮游植物群落组成与变化特征. 南宁师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 36(4): 57-62.

21. 徐轶肖*,谢谊,赵鹏,张腾,周齐家,胡宝清. 北部湾涠洲岛海水重金属污染现状研究. 生态环境学报, 2018, 27(5): 908-915.

22. 谢谊,张腾,雷富,胡宝清,徐轶肖*.涠洲岛西面及西南面沉积物重金属污染分析. 广西科学, 2018, 25(1): 57-62, 67.

23. 赵鹏,张荣灿,覃仙玲,蓝文陆,陈波,胡宝清,徐轶肖*. 北部湾钦州港近江牡蛎重金属污染分析. 水产学报, 2017, 41(5): 806-815.

24. 渠佩佩杨晶晶徐轶肖高寒佟蒙蒙. 固相吸附毒素跟踪技术(SPATT)在浙江南麂海域的应用. 海洋与湖沼, 2016, 47(4): 795-803.

25. 赵鹏,覃仙玲,胡科华,李政菊,姜宁,徐轶肖*. 广西北部湾市售贝类麻痹性贝毒污染状况分析. 生态科学, 2016, 35(3): 73-77.

26. 李政菊,胡 蓉,吴 霓,江天久, 徐轶肖*. 海南岛近岸海域贝类中的麻痹性贝类毒素. 海洋环境科学, 2016, 35(2): 168-173.

27. 徐轶肖,江涛*. 雪卡毒素产毒藻(岗比亚藻)研究进展. 海洋与湖沼, 2014, 45(2): 244-252.

